Yocto Layers: sp7021 Flexible Muxing
Is the feature that allow you to change functionality of ANY pin at the run-time. Flexible muxing is available for:
- both Eth interfaces and MDIO bus;
- SDIO, 8x PWMs, 4x ICMs, 4x SPI masters, 4x SPI Slaves, 4x I2C Masters;
- 4x UARTs;
Group Pin Muxing is available for:
- Audio, SPI Flash, EMMC, USBs;
Linux Run-Time Mux
Curent mux information is available at:
# cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/9c000100.pctl/txt_map
Individual pin/group muxing may be done by running
# echo -e "\0xNN" > /sys/bus/platform/devices/9c000100.pctl/<func>
, where NN is hex pin number, func is the function.
Flexible mux driver supports bulk muxing and onboot firmware load.