Tibbo Yocto Linux Distribution
Tibbo Yocto Layers at https://github.com/tibbotech/yocto_layers is for developers who want to make they own Linux distribution for they custom board or for thouse who wants to take part in bootloader/kernel development for Plus1/sp7021 SoC.
Tibbo hosts prebuild Yocto Linux for its LTPPxG2 sp7021-based board:
- LTPPxG2 Firmware: https://tibbo.com/downloads/LTPS/FW/LTPPg2/
- LTPPxG2 binary packages: https://tibbo.com/downloads/LTPS/repo/LTPPg2/
- LTPPxG2 SDK: https://tibbo.com/downloads/LTPS/SDK/LTPPg2/
- LTPPxG2 BuildAppliance https://tibbo.com/downloads/LTPS/BuildAppliance/
Binary packages is the collection of most necessary packets you may need to use with LTPPxG2 board. The collection includes Tibbo closed-source packages, like
- TiOS as user-space Linux application.
- AggreGate and AggreGate Agent.
- Configurator and device management web interface, etc.
as well, as Python packages, NodeJS modules, JRE, OpenCV, Qt5 libs (also included into SDK), various cli utilities.
If you’re just an application or external kernel module developer for LTPPxG2 board then SDK right for your needs.
Take a look at our comprehensive SDK tutorial. It describes how to build kernel modules and applications for LTPP platform, SDK + QtCreator and SDK + Eclipse usage, how to run SDK on Windows 10, etc.
Plus1 SoC In-depth
If you’re curious about SoC technical documentation, please take a look at SunPlus/Tibbo Wiki.
Special feature: Flexible Run-Time Peripheral Multiplexing (PinMux) is available in Linux.
Yocto Layers: HowTo
Clonning layers from GitHub.
Building the firmware.
Running the BuildApplience
Packaging your own distribution.
Switching between Tibbo (release) and SunPlus (development) repos.
Qustions and Answers
I wonder how many year this chip will be produced ?
At least 10 years, starting from 2020.
What is this ISPBOOOT.BIN file, what is the humor here. Is it mandatory or not ?
It is the bootloader+kernel+rootfs packed in one file. Structure is at SunPlus/Tibbo wiki
If you need to update the whole OS on your board, you need this file.
Is ROM code available?
It is not. The ROM code is the intellectual property of SunPlus.
What stands for iboot, xboot and relation with uboot ?
iboot is tiny ROM-code, written in C and assembly, fits to 16KB of RAM, started first after power on.
xboot is pre-u-boot. It initializes the memory, uart, usb and SD. There are well-known U-Boot-SPL, but u-boot-SPL is too big to fit into 16KB-space, so we have smaller program named XBoot, the replacement for fat U-boot SPL binary.
In short, iboot (ROM) –(emmc/spinand/sd)–> xboot –(+usb)–> u-boot –(+net)–> kernel
How can I implement Freertos on B-Core on SP7021 (ARM926 Core), or any other RTOS-like operating system?
Source code example for B chip is there: https://github.com/tibbotech/plus1_Bnoos
It is packed to “nonos” part and included into ISPBOOT.BIN. Build by “bnoos” recipe.